Frequently Asked Questions

Brow waxing

How long does brow waxing last?

3-4 weeks

How often should i get them waxed?

Once you get the brow growth into sync, every 4 weeks for a professional wax and shape is the perfect time.

Should you wax above your brow?

If you are happy to wax above your brow it is perfectly ok to and can add more definition and shape.

What are No Nos before brow wax?

Do not use harsh exfoliants, AHAs, strong glycolics. Always let your therapist know if you have used any new skin products or are on any medication.

I have really sensitive skin can i still wax?

We can still shape your brows by using the sensitive wax or by tweezing.

Will the wax irritate my skin?

Some redness after waxing is completely normal. At LWR we use a gentle hypoallergenic wax for all waxing and a calming lotion afterwards. We also have a very sensitive wax for those extremely sensitive skins.

I want fuller brows. How can i grow them?

Over plucking and waxing your brows in the past may have stopped your brows being at their fullest, there are many ways to achieve fuller brows, please contact Emilie for a consultation.

What not to do after waxing

Sun and heat exposure, exfoliants such as scrubs, peels and active facial products.

How can i maintain my brows between salon visits?

You can carefully tweeze any stray hairs but avoid any close to your brow shape. The best results come from leaving them alone between professional treatments, Emilie can show you how to colour and style them between visits to keep them looking great.

Brow tinting

How long does brow tinting last for?

3-8 weeks, home care is important for their longevity.

Does brow tinting make them look thicker?

Yes brow tinting picks up shorter finer and lighter hairs which help fill them in, giving more fullness and definition.

How often should i have my brows tinted?

You can have them tinted with your regular brow shape every 4-8 weeks.

Henna brow tinting

What are henna brows?

Henna brows are a form of eyebrow tinting that is used to stain the skin beneath the brow hairs along with the hair.

The purpose is to cast a shadow or create the illusion of depth and fullness to the brows, visually filling in any sparseness.

Is it natural?

Henna is a natural permanent dye taken from the leaves of the henna plant. Henna has been around since ancient Egyptian times when it was used for many purposes such as dyeing hair, clothes, fabrics and make up.

What is the difference between normal tinting and henna brows?

Henna last longer on the skin and hair than regular tint does.

Does henna brow cover grey hair?

Henna brows easily covers grey hair.

How long does henna brows last?

Henna brows will last up to 2-14 days on the skin giving your eyebrows a nice back-tone. It will last between 3-8 weeks on the eyebrow hair.

Why does henna fade?

Henna is a natural permanent dye and it will fade only as the skin regenerates a new epidermis which is our outermost layer of the skin. If the skin is newly exfoliated at the time of application the skin stain will be much less as the henna doesn't have as much skin to absorb into. Oily skin will have less retention than dry skin.

How long after the treatment can I get my brows wet?

The skin needs to stay dry for at least 12 hours (preferably 24hrs) after henna application as wiping or rinsing with water to the area will stop the henna developing. The henna stain will take 12-24hrs to reach its full colour potential.

How long do henna brows take to do?

Allow an appointment for up to 60 minutes. On average it take about 45 minutes however sometimes it can take as little as 30 minutes.

Who cannot have henna brows?

Unfortunately you cannot have a henna brow treatment if you are - Pregnant or breastfeeding, have keloid scarring, active cancer or active acne. In the brow area, you cannot have Cysts or boils, Using roaccutane, Using oral antibiotics, Trichotillomania, Open cuts, wounds or abrasions, Sun or wind burn, Active herpes Tint/hair dye allergies Plant allergies Rashes, bruising or swelling, Psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis, Any beauty treatments that exfoliates the skin or causes peeling, Skin needling, botox or fillers, Have an autoimmune disorder or taking immunosuppressive medication

On the face area, you cannot have Sun/age spots


How do I make an appointment?

Via the website Or Text 0415687121

Can I pre book my appointments?

Yes. I recommend pre booking your appointments if you are after a certain day or time and rescheduling your appt each time is highly recommended.

Where do I park?

There is one and two hour parking in Hawksburn village, on Malvern rd or behind the Woolworths supermarket in the carpark are the best places to find parking.

What if I’m early to my appointment?

If you happen to be early to your appointment, please come thru Kitty k, come upstairs and take a seat outside little wax room.

What if I’m late to my appointment?

If you are running late to your appointment please let me know. I will try my best to get your treatment done or we might need to reschedule.

How much notice can I give to cancel my appointment?

As much notice as possible is appreciated, however I send a text the day before to confirm and would appreciate any cancellations then at the latest.

What if I don't turn up to my appointment?

I always understand when things crop up but if it is a regular occurrence a cancellation fee will apply and most likely not be rebooked.

Why do you have a cancellation policy?

A cancellation policy is set in place to cover my lost time that could have been filled by another client.

Can I bring family/friends to my appointment?

If you are having waxing this is fine, however for all microblading appointments, due to stricter laws, please come on your own to your appointment.

Can I bring children to my appointment?

Yes you can for all waxing and tinting.

Can I bring children to my microblading appointment?

For all eyebrow microblading appts only the client is allowed in the room with the therapist.

Can I wear makeup to my appointment?

Yes that is fine, but your makeup around your brows, and eyes if you are having tinting, will be removed at your appointment so please bring your makeup bag with you.

Do you take cash or card payments?

I take both cash and credit card payments

Where are you located?

Above Kitty K lingerie boutique, 536 Malvern Rd, Prahran Hawksburn Village.

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